Are you planning to buy a used vehicle?
You will make a responsible decision and avoid surprises by checking vehicle history
Car history
2018 / Germany / 2500 € / front
Technical inspection
Technical inspection performed (2019)
For sale
The price is 12,000 € / photos
Mileage manipulation / 350,000 km
Car history
We cooperate: Carfax
Learn more about the vehicle you are interested in
When preparing the report, many databases are checked:
Mileage history
Sale records
Vehicle price changes
Historical photos
Theft records
Accidents, damages history
Technical data
Other useful information
Check vehicle history with
Our service checks vehicle history records from classifieds websites and many other databases. With our help, you can find information that will help you make a more responsible decision before making a purchase.
Every little detail can be useful and helps to create a more complete picture of the vehicle
By knowing about past accidents, you know what to pay attention to during the inspection, evaluate the quality of the vehicle and avoid expensive unplanned repairs in the future.
Be better prepared before the vehicle inspection
The more information you have, the better prepared you will be for negotiations.
Enter VIN code
You will find it in the vehicle
ad, in the documents or asking it from the seller
We check the information in the databases
We are looking for records about the vehicle from classifieds websites, local
and international
Purchase report
Fast payment in the most convenient way for you
Get report
Learn more about the vehicle before inspecting it and feel confident
Do not hesitate and learn as much as possible about the vehicle you are interested in
Enter vehicle's VIN code and get history report:
What is a VIN and where can I find it?
The VIN code (Vehicle Identification Number) is a unique combination of seventeen characters that identifies each specific car. This code is assigned to the car by the manufacturer.

The seller usually indicates the VIN code in the advertisement or submits it on additional request.

You can usually find the VIN code:

- in the vehicle ownership document;
- on the vehicle, for example, between the windshield and the panel, in the driver's side B-pillar and in other places chosen by the manufacturer.